There are always a ton of questions like: “What is this event?” “What are we going to be doing on the trip?”, etc. Below is a list of events and trips that are currently being planned for the ministry. As new events and trips come to be, they will be added to the page, so check back often. If there is information that you think should be on there, send it to us in the “Ask a Question” tab on the main youth page.
Wednesday Nights
Time: 6-8p
Location: Youth Level (upstairs across from Worship Center)
Description: Our main meeting time of the week. The teens will have time to hang out, a combined intro for a lesson, and then small groups, broken up by gender, to dive deeper into the lesson with the youth leaders.
Axe Throwing
When: Sunday, January 26
Time: 12:30 - 3 pm
Location: Axe House of Annapolis
Cost: $20
Description: We will be going to the Axe House, which is actually in Severna Park. Lunch will be provided. There is a waiver required. Transportation is provided.
Urban Air
When: Sunday, March 9
Time: 12:30 - 3 pm
Location: Glen Burnie, MD
Cost: $25
Description: We will be going to the Urban Air in Glen Burnie. The location has trampolines, climbing walls, bumper cars, VR, laser tag, and ninja courses. There is a waiver required. Transportation is provided.
Orioles Game
When: Sunday, May 18
Time: Post-church to end of game (approx. 12 - 4 pm)
Location: Camden Yards
Cost: $20
Description: Attending a Orioles afternoon game. Lunch is provided. Will travel down in vehicles.