What are GO! Grants?
These monies are made available to assist in projects and ministries placed on the heart of FAITH Family members.
Who can apply?
Project proposals/requests can be submitted by FAITH Family members and regular attenders.
Important Information
Grant proposals will be received on an ongoing basis. If hard copy, they should be put in an envelope and placed in the offering basket or given to a member of the Elder Team directly. The easier form of submission would be using our online form (link below). There is no designated maximum grant per project. Due to limited resources, full grant funding might not be possible, but each request will be given heavy prayerful consideration.
Criteria for GO! Grant Funds
Potential for reaching and discipling unchurched people
Priority will be given to those proposals that represent the greatest potential for reaching the unchurched and developing them into disciples of Jesus Christ. Example: A person’s proposal to establish an after-school ministry with unchurched teenager may be given priority over a request to help purchase physical resources.
Potential for continued influence in ministry
Priority will be given to proposals that show potential for continued influence in contrast to those projects whose potential influence is limited by time and degree of impact. Example: A request for establishing an ongoing ministry will be given priority to one-time events.
We need to continually search for new and more effective methods of achieving the Great Commission. Therefore, priority attention will be
given to those proposals that represent innovation in ministry and outreach. Example: A new approach for penetrating areas affected by poverty with the gospel may be given priority over the funding of ideas that have been used in the past.
Those receiving grants must agree to submit feedback and stories about the usage of the funds.